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AILabTools API - Skin analyze Pro - API:V1.7.6


  • URL:
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Image requirements

  • Image format: JPG JPEG
  • Image size: No more than 8 MB.
  • Image resolution: Larger than 200x200px, smaller than 4096x4096px.
  • Minimum face pixel size: To ensure the effect, the minimum value of the face box (square) side length in the image should preferably be higher than 400px.
  • Face quality: The higher the face quality, the more accurate the skin analysis. Factors affecting face quality include: occlusion of facial features, blurred images, improper lighting (bright, dark, backlight), excessive face angle (yaw ≤ ±30°, pitch ≤ ±40° recommended), etc.
ailabapi-api-keyYESstringApplication API KEY. Get API KEY


imageYESfileMain Image.
left_side_imageNOfileSide face picture.
right_side_imageNOfileSide face picture.
  • red_area
  • brown_area
  • texture_enhanced_pores
  • texture_enhanced_blackheads
  • texture_enhanced_oily_area
  • texture_enhanced_lines
  • water_area
  • rough_area
  • roi_outline_map
  • texture_enhanced_bw
  • right_roi_outline_map
  • left_roi_outline_map
  • Input a comma-separated string containing the types of skin problem detection map images to be returned. More Details
  • wrinkle_mark
  • right_nasolabial_list
  • right_mouth_list
  • right_eye_wrinkle_list
  • right_crowsfeet_list
  • right_cheek_list
  • left_nasolabial_list
  • left_mouth_list
  • left_eye_wrinkle_list
  • left_crowsfeet_list
  • left_cheek_list
  • glabella_wrinkle_list
  • forehead_wrinkle_list
  • dark_circle_outline
  • sensitivity_mark
  • melanin_mark
  • dark_circle_outline
  • cheekbone_mark
  • Return the coordinates of the problem areas along with other information. Separate multiple information fields with commas. More Details
    roi_outline_colorNOjson stringCustomize the drawing colors for the problem areas in the image returned by return_maps. More Details
  • jawline_info
  • To return the side profile information, you need to upload a side profile image. Separate multiple information fields with commas. More Details


    • Request Example


    • Field Parsing

    FieldDescriptionReturn image information
    red_areaThe red area image displays regions of facial redness caused by sensitivity or inflammation.White background red area image, where the depth of the red color indicates the level of sensitivity.
    brown_areaThe brown area image displays regions of facial pigmentation.White background brown area image, where the depth of the brown color indicates the level of pigmentation.
    texture_enhanced_poresThe enlarged pores area image of the face.Transparent background PNG, annotating enlarged pore areas. The image size is the same as the original, allowing for overlay and comparison with the original image.
    texture_enhanced_blackheadsThe blackhead area image of the face.Transparent background PNG, annotating blackhead areas. The image size is the same as the original, allowing for overlay and comparison with the original image.
    texture_enhanced_oily_areaThe oily areas image of the face.Transparent background PNG, annotating facial oily areas. The image size is the same as the original, allowing for overlay and comparison with the original image.
    texture_enhanced_linesThe facial texture image highlights prominent deep and shallow wrinkles on the face.Transparent background PNG, annotating facial wrinkles. The image size is the same as the original, allowing for overlay and comparison with the original image.
    water_areaThe facial moisture image shows areas of dryness on the face. Darker blue indicates greater levels of skin dehydration.White background PNG, annotating facial dryness areas. The image size is the same as the original.
    rough_areaThe facial roughness image displays areas of roughness on the face.White background PNG, annotating facial roughness areas. The image size is the same as the original.
    roi_outline_mapThe image for plotting coordinates of facial spots and acne.Transparent background PNG, annotating facial spots and acne areas. The image size is the same as the original, allowing for overlay and comparison with the original image.
    texture_enhanced_bwThe black-and-white enhanced image for facial blackheads and enlarged pores.JPG, with cropping. The API returns coordinates and cropping ratios, which can be mapped to pixel coordinates in the original image.
    right_roi_outline_mapRight-side facial spot and acne coordinate map.Transparent background PNG, marking facial spots and acne areas, with the same size as the original image, allowing for overlay and comparison with the original.
    left_roi_outline_mapLeft-side facial spot and acne coordinate map.Transparent background PNG, marking facial spots and acne areas, with the same size as the original image, allowing for overlay and comparison with the original.


    • Request Example


    • Field Parsing

    wrinkle_markContour coordinates for the facial areas: forehead, nose, crow's feet, cheeks, and between the eyebrows.
    right_nasolabial_listCoordinates, depth, and length of the right nasolabial fold wrinkles.
    right_mouth_listCoordinates, depth, and length of the right mouth corner wrinkles.
    right_eye_wrinkle_listCoordinates, depth, and length of the right eye area wrinkles.
    right_crowsfeet_listCoordinates, depth, and length of the right eye area crow's feet wrinkles.
    right_cheek_listCoordinates, depth, and length of the right cheek wrinkles.
    left_nasolabial_listCoordinates, depth, and length of the left nasolabial fold wrinkles.
    left_mouth_listCoordinates, depth, and length of the left mouth corner wrinkles.
    left_eye_wrinkle_listCoordinates, depth, and length of the left eye area wrinkles.
    left_crowsfeet_listCoordinates, depth, and length of the left eye area crow's feet wrinkles.
    left_cheek_listCoordinates, depth, and length of the left cheek wrinkles.
    glabella_wrinkle_listCoordinates, depth, and length of the wrinkles between the eyebrows.
    forehead_wrinkle_listCoordinates, depth, and length of the forehead wrinkles.
    dark_circle_outlineCoordinates of the contour lines for dark circles under the left and right eyes.
    sensitivity_markCoordinates of the red areas, indicating regions of facial redness due to sensitivity or inflammation.
    melanin_markCoordinates of the pigmentation areas, indicating regions of facial pigmentation.
    dark_circle_outlineCoordinates of the contour lines for dark circles under the left and right eyes.
    cheekbone_markCoordinates of the facial apple cheeks.


    • Request Example


    • Field Parsing

    pores_color0000FFPore Color: Draw the return_maps > texture_enhanced_pores issue image.
    blackhead_colorFF0000Blackhead Color: Draw the return_maps > texture_enhanced_blackheads issue image.
    wrinkle_color6E9900Deep Wrinkle Color: Draw the return_maps > texture_enhanced_lines issue image.
    fine_line_color8DFE2AFine Wrinkle Color: Draw the return_maps > texture_enhanced_lines issue image.
    closed_comedones_color00FF00Closed Comedone Color: Draw the return_maps > roi_outline_map issue image.
    acne_pustule_color9F21F6Pustule Color: Draw the return_maps > roi_outline_map issue image.
    acne_nodule_colorFF00FDNodule Color: Draw the return_maps > roi_outline_map issue image.
    acne_colorFE0100Papule Color: Draw the return_maps > roi_outline_map issue image.
    brown_spot_color7E2A28Pigmentation Color: Draw the return_maps > roi_outline_map issue image.

    Example: The format CC00FF represents the following RGB values:

    • R (Red): CC (204 in decimal)
    • G (Green): 00 (0 in decimal)
    • B (Blue): FF (255 in decimal)

    The input format is restricted to a 6-digit hexadecimal string, case-insensitive.

    If no modifications are made, the default color parameters will be used for drawing.


    • Request Example


    • Field Parsing

    jawline_infoIf you provide the jawline_info element and upload images of both the left and right profiles, the corresponding side profile results will be returned. These results can include fields such as profile image quality assessment, jawline angle, and jawline coordinates, which will be available in the left_side_result and right_side_result structures.


    Processing Flow
    1. Handle Public Parameters:

      First, parse and validate the Public Parameters, checking the status code or response message to ensure the request is successful and no errors are present.

    2. Handle Business Parameters:

      If the public parameters are valid and no exceptions are found, proceed to process the business logic in the Business Parameters.

    Public Parameters

    Viewing Public Parameters and Error Codes

    Business Parameters

    left_side_resultjson stringResults of the side profile analysis. More Details
    right_side_resultjson stringResults of the side profile analysis. More Details
    face_rectangleobjectThe position of the face rectangle box. More Details
    resultobjectResults of the facial skin analysis. More Details


    +left_jawline_infoobjectSide profile jawline information.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • Side profile photo quality assessment.
  • 1: Quality Pass. The side profile angle of the uploaded photo is between 20° and 120°. left_jawline_angle and left_jawline_mark fields will also be returned.
  • 2: Slightly Low Angle. The side profile angle of the photo is less than 20°.
  • 3: Slightly High Angle. The side profile angle of the photo is greater than 120°.
  • 4: No Face Detected.
  • 5: Invalid Face.
  • 6: Other Cases.
  • ++left_jawline_anglefloatThe angle of the jawline.
    ++left_jawline_markarrayCoordinates of the facial keypoints for the jawline.
  • 0
  • 1
  • Standard degree of the jawline.
  • 0: Standard (116°–120°)
  • 1: Not Standard
  • +left_face_mapsobjectSkin problem detection mapping picture.
  • Returns information based on the return_maps field input.
  • ++left_roi_outline_mapbase64More Details
    +left_acne_infoobjectSide-face acne detection results.
    ++scoreinteger[0, 100]Score.
    ++acneObjectAcne Test - Light Papule Test (Light papules are a category of less symptomatic acne phenomena that present as rice- to soy-sized bumps accompanied by inflammatory redness and symptoms such as pain and itching) returns a rectangular box for each papule area and a more detailed polygon box.
    +++rectanglearrayThe location of each papule box.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayConfidence level of each papule box.
    +++polygonarrayWithin each papule box, the more detailed polygonal contour lines of the problem area return the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygonal papule area.
    ++acne_pustuleObjectAcne Detection - Pustular Papule Detection (Pustular papules are acne phenomena with milky, yellowish pus visible to the naked eye and appear as mound-like bumps with milky, yellowish pus) returns rectangular boxes and more detailed polygonal boxes for each area of pustular acne.
    +++rectanglearrayThe location of each pustule box.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayConfidence level of each pustule box.
    +++polygonarrayThe more detailed polygonal contour lines of the problem area within each pustule box, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygonal pustule area.
    ++acne_noduleObjectAcne Detection - Acne Nodule Detection (Acne nodules are a more severe type of acne phenomenon that appears as small, pea-sized bumps that are hard to the touch caused by the accumulation of subcutaneous lipids and pus) returns a rectangular box and a more detailed polygon box for each acne nodule area.
    +++rectanglearrayThe position of each nodal box.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayThe confidence level of each nodal box.
    +++polygonarrayWithin each nodal box, the more detailed polygon contour lines of the problem region, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon nodal region.
    ++acne_markObjectRed Acne Mark Detection - Detects red-purple acne marks that appear after facial acne has healed returning rectangular boxes and more detailed polygonal boxes for each acne mark area.
    +++rectanglearrayThe location of each pockmark box.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayConfidence level of each pockmark box.
    +++polygonarrayA more detailed polygon contour line of the problem area within each pockmark box, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon pockmark area.
    ++closed_comedonesObjectRectangular boxes and more detailed polygonal boxes for each occlusive acne area.
    +++rectanglearrayThe location of each closed-cell acne box.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayConfidence level of each closed-jaw acne box.
    +++polygonarrayA more detailed polygon contour line of the problem area within each closed acne box, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon closed acne area.
    +left_melanin_infoobjectSide-face pigmentation detection results.
    ++moleObjectInformation for each mole area.
    +++rectanglearrayThe position of each mole frame.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayThe confidence level of each mole region.
    +++polygonarrayWithin each mole box, the more detailed polygon contour lines of the problem area, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon mole area.
    ++brown_spotObjectInformation for each discolored area.
    +++rectanglearrayThe position of each color spot box.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayConfidence level for each chromatophore region.
    +++polygonarrayA more detailed polygon contour line of the problem area within each color spot box, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon acne area.


    +right_jawline_infoobjectSide profile jawline information.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • Side profile photo quality assessment.
  • 1: Quality Pass. The side profile angle of the uploaded photo is between 20° and 120°. right_jawline_angle and right_jawline_mark fields will also be returned.
  • 2: Slightly Low Angle. The side profile angle of the photo is less than 20°.
  • 3: Slightly High Angle. The side profile angle of the photo is greater than 120°.
  • 4: No Face Detected.
  • 5: Invalid Face.
  • 6: Other Cases.
  • ++right_jawline_anglefloatThe angle of the jawline.
    ++right_jawline_markarrayCoordinates of the facial keypoints for the jawline.
  • 0
  • 1
  • Standard degree of the jawline.
  • 0: Standard (116°–120°)
  • 1: Not Standard
  • +right_face_mapsobjectSkin problem detection mapping picture.
  • Returns information based on the return_maps field input.
  • ++right_roi_outline_mapbase64More Details
    +right_acne_infoobjectSide-face acne detection results.
    ++scoreinteger[0, 100]Score.
    ++acneObjectAcne Test - Light Papule Test (Light papules are a category of less symptomatic acne phenomena that present as rice- to soy-sized bumps accompanied by inflammatory redness and symptoms such as pain and itching) returns a rectangular box for each papule area and a more detailed polygon box.
    +++rectanglearrayThe location of each papule box.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayConfidence level of each papule box.
    +++polygonarrayWithin each papule box, the more detailed polygonal contour lines of the problem area return the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygonal papule area.
    ++acne_pustuleObjectAcne Detection - Pustular Papule Detection (Pustular papules are acne phenomena with milky, yellowish pus visible to the naked eye and appear as mound-like bumps with milky, yellowish pus) returns rectangular boxes and more detailed polygonal boxes for each area of pustular acne.
    +++rectanglearrayThe location of each pustule box.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayConfidence level of each pustule box.
    +++polygonarrayThe more detailed polygonal contour lines of the problem area within each pustule box, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygonal pustule area.
    ++acne_noduleObjectAcne Detection - Acne Nodule Detection (Acne nodules are a more severe type of acne phenomenon that appears as small, pea-sized bumps that are hard to the touch caused by the accumulation of subcutaneous lipids and pus) returns a rectangular box and a more detailed polygon box for each acne nodule area.
    +++rectanglearrayThe position of each nodal box.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayThe confidence level of each nodal box.
    +++polygonarrayWithin each nodal box, the more detailed polygon contour lines of the problem region, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon nodal region.
    ++acne_markObjectRed Acne Mark Detection - Detects red-purple acne marks that appear after facial acne has healed returning rectangular boxes and more detailed polygonal boxes for each acne mark area.
    +++rectanglearrayThe location of each pockmark box.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayConfidence level of each pockmark box.
    +++polygonarrayA more detailed polygon contour line of the problem area within each pockmark box, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon pockmark area.
    ++closed_comedonesObjectRectangular boxes and more detailed polygonal boxes for each occlusive acne area.
    +++rectanglearrayThe location of each closed-cell acne box.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayConfidence level of each closed-jaw acne box.
    +++polygonarrayA more detailed polygon contour line of the problem area within each closed acne box, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon closed acne area.
    +right_melanin_infoobjectSide-face pigmentation detection results.
    ++moleObjectInformation for each mole area.
    +++rectanglearrayThe position of each mole frame.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayThe confidence level of each mole region.
    +++polygonarrayWithin each mole box, the more detailed polygon contour lines of the problem area, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon mole area.
    ++brown_spotObjectInformation for each discolored area.
    +++rectanglearrayThe position of each color spot box.
    ++++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +++confidencearrayConfidence level for each chromatophore region.
    +++polygonarrayA more detailed polygon contour line of the problem area within each color spot box, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon acne area.


    +topfloatThe vertical coordinate of the top-left pixel of the rectangular box.
    +leftfloatThe horizontal coordinate of the top-left pixel of the rectangular box.
    +widthfloatThe width of the rectangular box.
    +heightfloatThe height of the rectangular box.


    Image Quality Module
  • image_quality
  • Skin Quality Analysis Module
  • skin_type
  • oily_intensity
  • water
  • Skin Tone Analysis Module
  • skintone
  • skintone_ita
  • skin_hue_ha
  • Roughness Analysis Module
  • blackhead
  • blackhead_count
  • enlarged_pore_count
  • pores_forehead
  • pores_right_cheek
  • pores_left_cheek
  • pores_jaw
  • rough
  • Pigmentation Analysis Module
  • melanin
  • melanin_mark
  • mole
  • brown_spot
  • melasma
  • freckle
  • Acne Analysis Module
  • acne
  • acne_pustule
  • acne_nodule
  • acne_mark
  • closed_comedones
  • Sensitivity Analysis Module
  • sensitivity
  • sensitivity_mark
  • Aging Analysis Module
  • skin_age
  • forehead_wrinkle
  • crows_feet
  • eye_finelines
  • glabella_wrinkle
  • nasolabial_fold
  • nasolabial_fold_severity
  • left_mouth_wrinkle_severity
  • right_mouth_wrinkle_severity
  • forehead_wrinkle_severity
  • left_crows_feet_severity
  • right_crows_feet_severity
  • left_eye_finelines_severity
  • right_eye_finelines_severity
  • glabella_wrinkle_severity
  • left_nasolabial_fold_severity
  • right_nasolabial_fold_severity
  • left_cheek_wrinkle_severity
  • right_cheek_wrinkle_severity
  • fine_line
  • wrinkle_count
  • forehead_wrinkle_info
  • left_eye_wrinkle_info
  • right_eye_wrinkle_info
  • left_crowsfeet_wrinkle_info
  • right_crowsfeet_wrinkle_info
  • glabella_wrinkle_info
  • left_mouth_wrinkle_info
  • right_mouth_wrinkle_info
  • left_nasolabial_wrinkle_info
  • right_nasolabial_wrinkle_info
  • left_cheek_wrinkle_info
  • right_cheek_wrinkle_info
  • cheekbone_mark
  • Eye Analysis Module
  • eye_pouch
  • eye_pouch_severity
  • left_eye_pouch_rectangle
  • right_eye_pouch_rectangle
  • dark_circle
  • dark_circle_severity
  • left_dark_circle_rete
  • right_dark_circle_rete
  • left_dark_circle_pigment
  • right_dark_circle_pigment
  • left_dark_circle_structural
  • right_dark_circle_structural
  • dark_circle_mark
  • left_eye_pouch_rect
  • right_eye_pouch_rect
  • wrinkle_mark
  • dark_circle_mark
  • Digital Scoring System Module
  • score_info
  • Custom Module
  • enhanced_bw_info
  • face_maps
  • Image Quality Module

    It returns the proportion of the face in the image, face coordinates, face angle values, and the proportion of bangs. The face coordinates can be used to extract the face for custom interactive design.

    The face proportion in the image, face angle values, and bangs proportion can be used as custom restrictions to determine whether the uploaded image is acceptable. For example, if the bangs proportion exceeds 0.4, the image needs to be retaken. If you have no special requirements, you can directly use the default configuration of the interface.

    +image_qualityjson string
    ++face_ratiofloat[0, 1]The proportion of the face in the entire photo: the larger the value, the greater the proportion of the face. The default threshold is 0.5.
    ++face_orientationobjectFace 3D angle.
    +++yawfloatYaw angle. The angle of rotation around the Y-axis. It is expressed as the horizontal rotation of the head to the left or right.
    +++pitchfloatPitch angle. The angle of rotation around the X-axis. Expressed as head pitch and tilt.
    +++rollfloatScroll angle. The angle of rotation around the Z axis, expressed as the rotation of the face photo seen from the front.
    ++face_rectfloatThe coordinates of the face can be obtained based on facial key points, allowing the face to be extracted.
    ++hair_occlusionfloat[0, 1]The proportion of bangs on the face: the larger the value, the greater the proportion of bangs.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0: No eyeglasses were worn.
  • 1: Wearing eyeglasses.
  • Skin Quality Analysis Module

    It analyzes the skin's oil-dryness index. skin_type serves as an overall classification to determine the user's skin type, while oily_intensity and water analyze the current state of the user's skin in terms of moisture level and oiliness.

    +skin_typeobjectSkin texture test results.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Type.
  • 0: Oily skin.
  • 1: Dry skin.
  • 2: Neutral skin.
  • 3: Combination skin.
  • ++detailsobjectThe confidence level of each classification.
    +++0objectOily skin information.
  • 0
  • 1
  • Oily skin.
  • 0: No.
  • 1: Yes.
  • ++++confidencefloatConfidence.
    +++1objectDry skin information.
  • 0
  • 1
  • Dry skin.
  • 0: No.
  • 1: Yes.
  • ++++confidencefloatConfidence.
    +++2objectNeutral skin information.
  • 0
  • 1
  • Neutral skin.
  • 0: No.
  • 1: Yes.
  • ++++confidencefloatConfidence.
    +++3objectCombination skin information.
  • 0
  • 1
  • Combination skin.
  • 0: No.
  • 1: Yes.
  • ++++confidencefloatConfidence.
    +oily_intensityobjectOiliness level detection.
    +++areaobject[0, 1]Area share.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • Severity of oiling.
  • 0: No shine or slight shine.
  • 1: Medium shine phenomenon.
  • 2: Severe oiling.
  • ++left_cheekobjectLeft cheek.
    +++areaobject[0, 1]Area share.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • Severity of oiling.
  • 0: No shine or slight shine.
  • 1: Medium shine phenomenon.
  • 2: Severe oiling.
  • ++right_cheekobjectRight cheek.
    +++areaobject[0, 1]Area share.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • Severity of oiling.
  • 0: No shine or slight shine.
  • 1: Medium shine phenomenon.
  • 2: Severe oiling.
  • ++chin_areaobjectChin area.
    +++areaobject[0, 1]Area share.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • Severity of oiling.
  • 0: No shine or slight shine.
  • 1: Medium shine phenomenon.
  • 2: Severe oiling.
  • ++full_faceobjectFull face.
    +++areaobject[0, 1]Area share.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • Severity of oiling.
  • 0: No shine or slight shine.
  • 1: Medium shine phenomenon.
  • 2: Severe oiling.
  • +waterobjectThe percentage of dehydrated skin on the forehead, cheeks and chin, the percentage of overall facial dehydrated area and the severity of dehydration.
    ++water_severityfloat[0, 100]Severity of water shortage .
    ++water_areafloatPercentage of water deficit area .
    ++water_foreheadobjectPercentage of forehead deficiency area.
    +++areafloat[0, 1]Area share.
    ++water_rightcheekobjectPercentage of dehydrated area on the right cheek.
    +++areafloat[0, 1]Area share.
    ++water_leftcheekobjectPercentage of dehydrated area on the left cheek.
    +++areafloat[0, 1]Area share.
    Skin Tone Analysis Module

    skintone_ita is an upgraded version of skintone. You can use either of the two, but it's recommended to use the combination of skintone_ita and skin_hue_ha.

    +skintoneobjectSkin color test results.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Skin color.
  • 0: Very Light.
  • 1: Light.
  • 2: Intermediate.
  • 3: Tan.
  • 4: Brown/Dark.
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +skintone_itaobjectReturns skin color classification based on the ITA (Individual Typology Angle) standard. NOTE
    ++ITAfloat[-90, 90]Angle value.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • Classified according to the skin tone of ITA.
  • 0: Very light.
  • 1: Light.
  • 2: Intermediate.
  • 3: Tan.
  • 4: Brown.
  • 5: Dark.
  • 6: Abnormal color values that may be caused by weak lighting conditions or overexposure.
  • +skin_hue_haobjectReturns skin tone classification based on the HA (Hue Angle) standard. NOTE
    ++HAfloat[0, 90]HA angle value.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Classified according to HA's skin tone hue.
  • 0: Yellowish.
  • 1: Neutral.
  • 2: Reddish.
  • 3: Abnormal hue values may be caused by abnormal ambient light tones or weak light environment or overexposure.
  • skintone_ita

    ITA (Individual Typology Angle) is an internationally recognized skin color standard. It classifies skin color based on measurements of color attributes in the Lab color space. This method is highly sensitive to ambient lighting conditions. For best results, we recommend using a flash to take high-definition photos of the face for processing. Measurements taken in natural or low-light conditions may be inaccurate or inconsistent.

    Based on data from the smartphone's rear flash, the current skin color classification reference is as follows:

    056 < ITA < 90Very light.
    143 < ITA <= 56Light.
    236 < ITA <= 43Intermediate.
    320 < ITA <= 36Tan.
    410 < ITA <= 20Brown.
    5-90 < ITA <= 10Dark.
    6OtherAbnormal color values that may be caused by weak lighting conditions or overexposure.

    You can also use the returned ITA value to define your classification based on the returned ITA angle at the time of access.


    HA (Hue Angle) is an internationally recognized skin color standard. It classifies skin color by measuring color attributes in the Lab color space. This method is highly sensitive to ambient lighting conditions. For accurate results, we recommend using a flash to take high-definition photos of the face for processing, as HA angle values measured in natural or low-light conditions may be inaccurate or inconsistent.

    According to the data taken by the rear flash of the phone, the current skin tone classification reference.

    049 < HA <= 90Yellowish.
    146 <= HA < 49Neutral.
    210 <= HA < 46Reddish.
    3OtherAbnormal hue values may be caused by abnormal ambient light tones or weak light environment or overexposure.

    You can also use the returned ITA value to define your classification based on the returned ITA angle at the time of access.

    Roughness Analysis Module
    • blackhead indicates the severity of blackheads, while blackhead_count represents the number of blackheads.
    • enlarged_pore_count is the count of enlarged pores.
    • pores_forehead, pores_rightcheek, pores_leftcheek, and pores_jaw represent the severity of pores in different areas of the face. The overall severity of pores can be assessed based on the number or score of pores.
    • rough measures the texture roughness of the facial skin and can provide the proportion of roughness across the entire face as well as the area proportion for different regions.
    +blackheadobjectBlackhead information.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: No blackheads, number of blackheads ∈ [0, 45].
  • 1: Mild, number of blackheads ∈ [46, 90].
  • 2: Moderate, number of blackheads ∈ [91, 150].
  • 3: Severe, number of blackheads ∈ [151 or more].
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +blackhead_countintegerNumber of blackheads on the nose area.
    +enlarged_pore_countobjectThe number of enlarged pores and the percentage of enlarged pore area.
    ++forehead_countobjectNumber of enlarged pores on forehead.
    ++left_cheek_countobjectNumber of enlarged pores on the left cheek.
    ++right_cheek_countobjectNumber of enlarged pores on the right cheek.
    ++chin_countobjectNumber of enlarged pores under the chin.
    +pores_foreheadobjectThe severity of enlarged forehead pores.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: No pores, number of pores ∈ [0, 100].
  • 1: Mildly, the number of pores ∈ [101, 300].
  • 2: Moderate, number of pores ∈ [301, 500].
  • 3: Severe, number of pores ∈ [501 or more].
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +pores_right_cheekobjectThe severity of enlarged pores on the right cheek.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: No pores, number of pores ∈ [0, 45].
  • 1: Mildly, the number of pores ∈ [46, 136].
  • 2: Moderate, number of pores ∈ [137, 227].
  • 3: Severe, number of pores ∈ [228 or more].
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +pores_left_cheekobjectThe severity of enlarged pores on the left cheek.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: No pores, number of pores ∈ [0, 45].
  • 1: Mildly, the number of pores ∈ [46, 136].
  • 2: Moderate, number of pores ∈ [137, 227].
  • 3: Severe, number of pores ∈ [228 or more].
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +pores_jawobjectThe severity of enlarged pores on the chin.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: No pores, number of pores ∈ [0, 63].
  • 1: Mildly, the number of pores ∈ [64, 188].
  • 2: Moderate, number of pores ∈ [189, 313].
  • 3: Severe, number of pores ∈ [314 or more].
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +roughobjectOutput the percentage of rough skin area on forehead, cheeks and chin, the percentage of overall facial rough area and the severity of roughness.
    ++rough_severityinteger[0, 100]Severity.
    ++rough_areafloat[0, 1]Area share.
    +++areafloat[0, 1]Area share.
    ++rough_rightcheekobjectRight cheek.
    +++areafloat[0, 1]Area share.
    ++rough_leftcheekobjectLeft cheek.
    +++areafloat[0, 1]Area share.
    +++areafloat[0, 1]Area share.
    Pigmentation Analysis Module
    • melanin indicates the degree and area proportion of pigmentation on the face. The degree is represented by a score, with higher numbers indicating more severe pigmentation issues. The pigmentation score can be calculated using the score_info > melanin_score field.
    • melanin_mark provides the coordinates of the pigmentation areas, which can be used to directly draw these areas.

    If detailed results on specific pigmentation issues (such as moles or spots) are not required, you can use the overall pigmentation area drawing results. For detailed drawing of pigmentation issues, you can use the mole and brown_spot fields to get rectangular or polygonal bounding boxes.

    +melaninobjectReturn the skin pigmentation of the human face in the photo.
    ++brown_areafloat[0, 1]Percentage of full-face area of pigmented areas.
    ++melanin_concentrationfloat[0, 100]Degree of pigmentation.
    ++brown_foreheadfloat[0, 1]Percentage of forehead hyperpigmentation area.
    ++brown_rightcheekfloat[0, 1]Percentage of hyperpigmented area on the right cheek.
    ++brown_leftcheekfloat[0, 1]Percentage of hyperpigmented area on the left cheek.
    +melanin_markobjectInformation on the pigmented areas of the brown area map.
    ++polygonarrayA collection of polygon coordinates within the brown area map, each polygon representing the x and y coordinate values of the outer contour line of a hyperpigmented area.
    +moleObjectInformation for each mole area.
    ++rectanglearrayThe position of each mole frame.
    +++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    +++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    ++confidencearrayThe confidence level of each mole region.
    ++polygonarrayWithin each mole box, the more detailed polygon contour lines of the problem area, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon mole area.
    +brown_spotObjectInformation for each discolored area.
    ++rectanglearrayThe position of each color spot box.
    +++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    +++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    ++confidencearrayConfidence level for each chromatophore region.
    ++polygonarrayA more detailed polygon contour line of the problem area within each color spot box, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon acne area.
    +melasmaObjectMelasma information.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0: No melasma.
  • 1: There is melasma.
  • ++confidencefloatConfidence.
    +freckleObjectFreckle information.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0: No freckles.
  • 1: There are freckles.
  • ++confidencefloatConfidence.
    Acne Analysis Module
    • acne, acne_pustule, acne_nodule, acne_mark, and closed_comedones represent different types of acne analysis. You can use the returned coordinates to draw rectangular and polygonal boxes around these types.
    • To assess the severity of acne, you can refer to the score provided in the score_info > acne_score field.
    +acneObjectAcne Test - Light Papule Test (Light papules are a category of less symptomatic acne phenomena that present as rice- to soy-sized bumps accompanied by inflammatory redness and symptoms such as pain and itching) returns a rectangular box for each papule area and a more detailed polygon box.
    ++rectanglearrayThe location of each papule box.
    +++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    +++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    ++confidencearrayConfidence level of each papule box.
    ++polygonarrayWithin each papule box, the more detailed polygonal contour lines of the problem area return the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygonal papule area.
    +acne_pustuleObjectAcne Detection - Pustular Papule Detection (Pustular papules are acne phenomena with milky, yellowish pus visible to the naked eye and appear as mound-like bumps with milky, yellowish pus) returns rectangular boxes and more detailed polygonal boxes for each area of pustular acne.
    ++rectanglearrayThe location of each pustule box.
    +++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    +++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    ++confidencearrayConfidence level of each pustule box.
    ++polygonarrayThe more detailed polygonal contour lines of the problem area within each pustule box, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygonal pustule area.
    +acne_noduleObjectAcne Detection - Acne Nodule Detection (Acne nodules are a more severe type of acne phenomenon that appears as small, pea-sized bumps that are hard to the touch caused by the accumulation of subcutaneous lipids and pus) returns a rectangular box and a more detailed polygon box for each acne nodule area.
    ++rectanglearrayThe position of each nodal box.
    +++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    +++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    ++confidencearrayThe confidence level of each nodal box.
    ++polygonarrayWithin each nodal box, the more detailed polygon contour lines of the problem region, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon nodal region.
    +acne_markObjectRed Acne Mark Detection - Detects red-purple acne marks that appear after facial acne has healed returning rectangular boxes and more detailed polygonal boxes for each acne mark area.
    ++rectanglearrayThe location of each pockmark box.
    +++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    +++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    ++confidencearrayConfidence level of each pockmark box.
    ++polygonarrayA more detailed polygon contour line of the problem area within each pockmark box, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon pockmark area.
    +closed_comedonesObjectRectangular boxes and more detailed polygonal boxes for each occlusive acne area.
    ++rectanglearrayThe location of each closed-cell acne box.
    +++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    +++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    ++confidencearrayConfidence level of each closed-jaw acne box.
    ++polygonarrayA more detailed polygon contour line of the problem area within each closed acne box, returning the x and y coordinate values of the vertices of each polygon closed acne area.
    Sensitivity Analysis Module
    • sensitivity indicates the degree of sensitivity on the face and the area proportion affected. The degree is represented by a score, with higher numbers indicating more severe sensitivity issues. The sensitivity score can be calculated using the score_info > sensitivity_score field.
    • sensitivity_mark provides the coordinates of the sensitive areas on the face, which can be used to directly draw these areas.
    +sensitivityobjectThe sensitivity of the face within the photo is judged.
  • This return value must be used with red area maps, and you need to set the return red area map (red_area) in the input parameter return_maps first.
  • ++sensitivity_areafloat[0, 1]The percentage of sensitive skin area on the whole face. Sensitive redness areas include cheeks, T-zone, etc.
    ++sensitivity_intensityfloat[0, 100]The intensity of redness in sensitive areas.
    +sensitivity_markobjectThe location of the polygon box in the sensitive muscle area of the red zone diagram.
    ++polygonarrayThe set of polygon coordinates within the red zone map, each polygon represents the x and y coordinate values of the outer contour line of a sensitive muscle region.
    Aging Analysis Module
    • skin_age assesses the overall skin condition and aging level of the face.
    • The forehead_wrinkle_info series provides detailed information about wrinkles in specific areas, including severity and scores. To receive these details, you need to check the severity levels using the following fields: forehead_wrinkle_severity, left_eye_finelines_severity, and right_eye_finelines_severity. If the severity is returned as 0 (none), the wrinkle details (wrinkle_info) will not be provided.
    • It is recommended to use the following fields in combination for a comprehensive analysis:
      • Severity fields: nasolabial_fold_severity, left_mouth_wrinkle_severity, right_mouth_wrinkle_severity, forehead_wrinkle_severity, left_crows_feet_severity, right_crows_feet_severity, left_eye_finelines_severity, right_eye_finelines_severity, glabella_wrinkle_severity, left_nasolabial_fold_severity, right_nasolabial_fold_severity, left_cheek_wrinkle_severity, right_cheek_wrinkle_severity.
      • Wrinkle information fields: forehead_wrinkle_info, left_eye_wrinkle_info, right_eye_wrinkle_info, left_crowsfeet_wrinkle_info, right_crowsfeet_wrinkle_info, glabella_wrinkle_info, left_mouth_wrinkle_info, right_mouth_wrinkle_info, left_nasolabial_wrinkle_info, right_nasolabial_wrinkle_info, left_cheek_wrinkle_info, right_cheek_wrinkle_info.
    +skin_ageobjectSkin age test results.
    ++valueinteger[0, 100]Skin age.
    +forehead_wrinkleobjectResults of the head lift test.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0: No head lines.
  • 1: There are head lines.
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +crows_feetobjectCrow's feet test results.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0: No crow's feet.
  • 1: With crow's feet.
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +eye_finelinesobjectResults of the eye fine lines test.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0: No fine lines under the eyes.
  • 1: With fine lines under the eyes.
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +glabella_wrinkleobjectResults of the interbrow line test.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0: No interbrow lines.
  • 1: With interbrow lines.
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +nasolabial_foldobjectResults of the forehead line test.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0: No lines.
  • 1: There are lines.
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +nasolabial_fold_severityobjectSeverity of the forehead lines. Returned when [nasolabial_fold.value=1].
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 0: Mild.
  • 1: Moderate.
  • 2: Severe.
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +eye_finelines_severityobjectSeverity of eye wrinkles. Returned when [eye_finelines.value=1].
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 0: Mild.
  • 1: Moderate.
  • 2: Severe.
  • ++confidencefloat[0, 1]Confidence.
    +left_mouth_wrinkle_severityobjectThe presence & severity of marionette lines on the left side of the face.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +right_mouth_wrinkle_severityobjectThe presence & severity of marionette lines on the right side of the face.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +forehead_wrinkle_severityobjectThe severity of the headline. Returned when [forehead_wrinkle.value=1].
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +left_crows_feet_severityobjectThe presence & severity of crow's feet on the left side of the face.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +right_crows_feet_severityobjectThe presence & severity of crow's feet on the right side of the face.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +left_eye_finelines_severityobjectThe presence & severity of fine lines under the eyes on the left side of the face.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +right_eye_finelines_severityobjectThe presence & severity of fine lines under the eyes on the right side of the face.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +glabella_wrinkle_severityobjectThe presence & severity of fine lines between the eyebrows.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +left_nasolabial_fold_severityobjectThe presence or absence & severity of the left facial lines.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +right_nasolabial_fold_severityobjectThe presence or absence & severity of right facial lines.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +left_cheek_wrinkle_severityobjectThe presence & severity of left cheek lines.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +right_cheek_wrinkle_severityobjectThe presence & severity of right cheek lines lines.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +fine_lineobjectNumber of fine lines detected.
    ++left_undereye_countintegerFine lines in the left eye.
    ++right_undereye_countintegerFine lines in the right eye.
    ++left_cheek_countintegerLeft cheek.
    ++right_cheek_countintegerRight cheek.
    ++left_crowsfeet_countintegerCrow's feet in the left eye.
    ++right_crowsfeet_countintegerCrow's feet in the right eye.
    ++glabella_countintegerInterbrow lines.
    +wrinkle_countobjectNumber of deep grain detection.
    ++left_undereye_countintegerFine lines in the left eye.
    ++right_undereye_countintegerFine lines in the right eye.
    ++left_mouth_countintegerPuppet pattern at the left corner of the mouth.
    ++right_mouth_countintegerPuppet pattern at the right corner of the mouth.
    ++left_nasolabial_countintegerThe left legal line.
    ++right_nasolabial_countintegerThe right wrinkle.
    ++glabella_countintegerInterbrow lines.
    ++left_cheek_countintegerLeft cheek.
    ++right_cheek_countintegerRight cheek.
    ++left_crowsfeet_countintegerCrow's feet in the left eye.
    ++right_crowsfeet_countintegerCrow's feet in the right eye.
    +forehead_wrinkle_infoobjectNumber of deep grain detection.
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle score.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Wrinkle severity level.
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • ++wrinkle_norm_lengthfloatWrinkle-normalized length.
    ++wrinkle_norm_depthfloatWrinkle normalized depth.
    ++wrinkle_pixel_densityfloatWrinkle pixel density.
    ++wrinkle_area_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of wrinkled area.
    ++wrinkle_deep_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of deep grain length.
    ++wrinkle_deep_numintegerNumber of deep lines.
    ++wrinkle_shallow_numintegerNumber of shallow lines.
    ++forehead_wrinkle_listarraySub-wrinkle information.
    +++wrinkle_coordarraySubwrinkle pixel coordinates.
    +++wrinkle_depthfloatSub-wrinkle depth.
    +++wrinkle_lengthfloatSubwrinkle length.
    +left_eye_wrinkle_infoobjectLeft eye wrinkle information.
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle score.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Wrinkle severity level.
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • ++wrinkle_norm_lengthfloatWrinkle-normalized length.
    ++wrinkle_norm_depthfloatWrinkle normalized depth.
    ++wrinkle_pixel_densityfloatWrinkle pixel density.
    ++wrinkle_area_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of wrinkled area.
    ++wrinkle_deep_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of deep grain length.
    ++wrinkle_deep_numintegerNumber of deep lines.
    ++wrinkle_shallow_numintegerNumber of shallow lines.
    ++left_eye_wrinkle_listarraySub-wrinkle information.
    +++wrinkle_coordarraySubwrinkle pixel coordinates.
    +++wrinkle_depthfloatSub-wrinkle depth.
    +++wrinkle_lengthfloatSubwrinkle length.
    +right_eye_wrinkle_infoobjectRight eye wrinkle information.
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle score.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Wrinkle severity level.
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • ++wrinkle_norm_lengthfloatWrinkle-normalized length.
    ++wrinkle_norm_depthfloatWrinkle normalized depth.
    ++wrinkle_pixel_densityfloatWrinkle pixel density.
    ++wrinkle_area_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of wrinkled area.
    ++wrinkle_deep_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of deep grain length.
    ++wrinkle_deep_numintegerNumber of deep lines.
    ++wrinkle_shallow_numintegerNumber of shallow lines.
    ++right_eye_wrinkle_listarraySub-wrinkle information.
    +++wrinkle_coordarraySubwrinkle pixel coordinates.
    +++wrinkle_depthfloatSub-wrinkle depth.
    +++wrinkle_lengthfloatSubwrinkle length.
    +left_crowsfeet_wrinkle_infoobjectLeft fishtail information.
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle score.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Wrinkle severity level.
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • ++wrinkle_norm_lengthfloatWrinkle-normalized length.
    ++wrinkle_norm_depthfloatWrinkle normalized depth.
    ++wrinkle_pixel_densityfloatWrinkle pixel density.
    ++wrinkle_area_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of wrinkled area.
    ++wrinkle_deep_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of deep grain length.
    ++wrinkle_deep_numintegerNumber of deep lines.
    ++wrinkle_shallow_numintegerNumber of shallow lines.
    ++left_crowsfeet_wrinkle_listarraySub-wrinkle information.
    +++wrinkle_coordarraySubwrinkle pixel coordinates.
    +++wrinkle_depthfloatSub-wrinkle depth.
    +++wrinkle_lengthfloatSubwrinkle length.
    +right_crowsfeet_wrinkle_infoobjectRight fishtail information.
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle score.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Wrinkle severity level.
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • ++wrinkle_norm_lengthfloatWrinkle-normalized length.
    ++wrinkle_norm_depthfloatWrinkle normalized depth.
    ++wrinkle_pixel_densityfloatWrinkle pixel density.
    ++wrinkle_area_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of wrinkled area.
    ++wrinkle_deep_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of deep grain length.
    ++wrinkle_deep_numintegerNumber of deep lines.
    ++wrinkle_shallow_numintegerNumber of shallow lines.
    ++right_crowsfeet_wrinkle_listarraySub-wrinkle information.
    +++wrinkle_coordarraySubwrinkle pixel coordinates.
    +++wrinkle_depthfloatSub-wrinkle depth.
    +++wrinkle_lengthfloatSubwrinkle length.
    +glabella_wrinkle_infoobjectInformation on the lines between the eyebrows.
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle score.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Wrinkle severity level.
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • ++wrinkle_norm_lengthfloatWrinkle-normalized length.
    ++wrinkle_norm_depthfloatWrinkle normalized depth.
    ++wrinkle_pixel_densityfloatWrinkle pixel density.
    ++wrinkle_area_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of wrinkled area.
    ++wrinkle_deep_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of deep grain length.
    ++wrinkle_deep_numintegerNumber of deep lines.
    ++wrinkle_shallow_numintegerNumber of shallow lines.
    ++glabella_wrinkle_listarraySub-wrinkle information.
    +++wrinkle_coordarraySubwrinkle pixel coordinates.
    +++wrinkle_depthfloatSub-wrinkle depth.
    +++wrinkle_lengthfloatSubwrinkle length.
    +left_mouth_wrinkle_infoobjectInformation on the left corner of the mouth tattoo.
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle score.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Wrinkle severity level.
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • ++wrinkle_norm_lengthfloatWrinkle-normalized length.
    ++wrinkle_norm_depthfloatWrinkle normalized depth.
    ++wrinkle_pixel_densityfloatWrinkle pixel density.
    ++wrinkle_area_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of wrinkled area.
    ++wrinkle_deep_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of deep grain length.
    ++wrinkle_deep_numintegerNumber of deep lines.
    ++wrinkle_shallow_numintegerNumber of shallow lines.
    ++left_mouth_wrinkle_listarraySub-wrinkle information.
    +++wrinkle_coordarraySubwrinkle pixel coordinates.
    +++wrinkle_depthfloatSub-wrinkle depth.
    +++wrinkle_lengthfloatSubwrinkle length.
    +right_mouth_wrinkle_infoobjectInformation on the right corner of the mouth tattoo.
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle score.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Wrinkle severity level.
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • ++wrinkle_norm_lengthfloatWrinkle-normalized length.
    ++wrinkle_norm_depthfloatWrinkle normalized depth.
    ++wrinkle_pixel_densityfloatWrinkle pixel density.
    ++wrinkle_area_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of wrinkled area.
    ++wrinkle_deep_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of deep grain length.
    ++wrinkle_deep_numintegerNumber of deep lines.
    ++wrinkle_shallow_numintegerNumber of shallow lines.
    ++right_mouth_wrinkle_listarraySub-wrinkle information.
    +++wrinkle_coordarraySubwrinkle pixel coordinates.
    +++wrinkle_depthfloatSub-wrinkle depth.
    +++wrinkle_lengthfloatSubwrinkle length.
    +left_nasolabial_wrinkle_infoobjectInformation about the left legal line.
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle score.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Wrinkle severity level.
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • ++wrinkle_norm_lengthfloatWrinkle-normalized length.
    ++wrinkle_norm_depthfloatWrinkle normalized depth.
    ++wrinkle_pixel_densityfloatWrinkle pixel density.
    ++wrinkle_area_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of wrinkled area.
    ++wrinkle_deep_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of deep grain length.
    ++wrinkle_deep_numintegerNumber of deep lines.
    ++wrinkle_shallow_numintegerNumber of shallow lines.
    ++left_nasolabial_wrinkle_listarraySub-wrinkle information.
    +++wrinkle_coordarraySubwrinkle pixel coordinates.
    +++wrinkle_depthfloatSub-wrinkle depth.
    +++wrinkle_lengthfloatSubwrinkle length.
    +right_nasolabial_wrinkle_infoobjectInformation on the right-hand wrinkle.
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle score.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Wrinkle severity level.
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • ++wrinkle_norm_lengthfloatWrinkle-normalized length.
    ++wrinkle_norm_depthfloatWrinkle normalized depth.
    ++wrinkle_pixel_densityfloatWrinkle pixel density.
    ++wrinkle_area_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of wrinkled area.
    ++wrinkle_deep_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of deep grain length.
    ++wrinkle_deep_numintegerNumber of deep lines.
    ++wrinkle_shallow_numintegerNumber of shallow lines.
    ++right_nasolabial_wrinkle_listarraySub-wrinkle information.
    +++wrinkle_coordarraySubwrinkle pixel coordinates.
    +++wrinkle_depthfloatSub-wrinkle depth.
    +++wrinkle_lengthfloatSubwrinkle length.
    +left_cheek_wrinkle_infoobjectLeft face wrinkle information.
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle score.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Wrinkle severity level.
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • ++wrinkle_norm_lengthfloatWrinkle-normalized length.
    ++wrinkle_norm_depthfloatWrinkle normalized depth.
    ++wrinkle_pixel_densityfloatWrinkle pixel density.
    ++wrinkle_area_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of wrinkled area.
    ++wrinkle_deep_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of deep grain length.
    ++wrinkle_deep_numintegerNumber of deep lines.
    ++wrinkle_shallow_numintegerNumber of shallow lines.
    ++left_cheek_wrinkle_listarraySub-wrinkle information.
    +++wrinkle_coordarraySubwrinkle pixel coordinates.
    +++wrinkle_depthfloatSub-wrinkle depth.
    +++wrinkle_lengthfloatSubwrinkle length.
    +right_cheek_wrinkle_infoobjectRight face wrinkle information.
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle score.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Wrinkle severity level.
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • ++wrinkle_norm_lengthfloatWrinkle-normalized length.
    ++wrinkle_norm_depthfloatWrinkle normalized depth.
    ++wrinkle_pixel_densityfloatWrinkle pixel density.
    ++wrinkle_area_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of wrinkled area.
    ++wrinkle_deep_ratiofloat[0, 1]Percentage of deep grain length.
    ++wrinkle_deep_numintegerNumber of deep lines.
    ++wrinkle_shallow_numintegerNumber of shallow lines.
    ++right_cheek_wrinkle_listarraySub-wrinkle information.
    +++wrinkle_coordarraySubwrinkle pixel coordinates.
    +++wrinkle_depthfloatSub-wrinkle depth.
    +++wrinkle_lengthfloatSubwrinkle length.
    +cheekbone_markobjectInformation about the coordinates of the left apple muscle and the coordinates of the right apple muscle.
    ++left_cheekbone_markarrayLeft apple muscle coordinates.
    ++left_cheekbone_markarrayRight apple muscle coordinates.
    Eye Analysis Module
    • eye_pouch determines the presence of under-eye bags. The severity of the bags is provided only if the result is 1, and can be found in eye_pouch_severity.
    • Similarly, dark_circle and dark_circle_severity indicate the presence and severity of dark circles.

    For drawing on areas such as dark circles and eye bags, use the following fields:

    • left_eye_pouch_rectangle
    • right_eye_pouch_rectangle
    • dark_circle_mark
    +eye_pouchobjectEye bag test results.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0: No bags under the eyes.
  • 1: With bags under the eyes.
  • ++confidencefloatConfidence.
    +eye_pouch_severityobjectSeverity of eye bags. Return when [eye_pouch.value=1].
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 0: Mild.
  • 1: Moderate.
  • 2: Severe.
  • ++confidencefloatConfidence.
    +left_eye_pouch_rectanglearrayThe position of the left eye bag frame
    ++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +right_eye_pouch_rectanglearrayThe position of the right eye bag frame
    ++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +dark_circleobjectDark eye circle type detection.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: No dark circles under the eyes.
  • 1: Pigmented dark circles.
  • 2: Vascular dark circles.
  • 3: Dark circles with shadows.
  • ++confidencefloatConfidence.
    +dark_circle_severityobjectSeverity of dark circles under the eyes. Return when [dark_circle.value <> 1].
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 0: Mild.
  • 1: Moderate.
  • 2: Severe.
  • ++confidencefloatConfidence.
    +left_dark_circle_reteobjectSeverity of vascular type dark circles under the left eye.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +right_dark_circle_reteobjectSeverity of vascular type dark circles under the right eye.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +left_dark_circle_pigmentobjectSeverity of pigmented dark circles under the left eye.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +right_dark_circle_pigmentobjectSeverity of pigmented dark circles under the right eye.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +left_dark_circle_structuralobjectSeverity of structural dark circles under the left eye..
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +right_dark_circle_structuralobjectSeverity of structural dark circles under the right eye.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0: None.
  • 1: Mild.
  • 2: Moderate.
  • 3: Severe.
  • +dark_circle_markobjectThe position of the rectangular box coordinates of the black eye.
    ++left_eye_rectobjectLeft eye.
    +++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    +++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    ++right_eye_rectobjectRight eye.
    +++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    +++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +left_eye_pouch_rectobjectLeft eye bag rectangular box position.
    ++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +right_eye_pouch_rectobjectRight eye bag rectangular box position.
    ++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    ++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    +wrinkle_markobjectWrinkle contour line coordinates.
    ++left_eye_wrinkle_outlinearrayWrinkles in the left eye.
    ++right_eye_wrinkle_outlinearrayWrinkles in the Right eye.
    ++left_cheek_wrinkle_outlinearrayWrinkles on the left side of the face.
    ++right_cheek_wrinkle_outlinearrayWrinkles on the right side of the face.
    ++glabella_wrinkle_outlinearrayInterbrow lines.
    ++left_nasolabial_wrinkle_outlinearrayThe left legal line.
    ++right_nasolabial_wrinkle_outlinearrayThe right legal line.
    ++left_crowsfeet_wrinkle_outlinearrayLeft fishtail line..
    ++right_crowsfeet_wrinkle_outlinearrayRight fishtail line..
    ++left_mouth_wrinkle_outlinearrayLeft corner of the mouth tattoo.
    ++right_mouth_wrinkle_outlinearrayRight corner of the mouth tattoo.
    ++head_wrinkle_outlinearrayForehead wrinkles.
    +dark_circle_outlineobjectDark eye contour coordinates.
    ++left_dark_circle_outlinearrayLeft eye.
    ++right_dark_circle_outlinearrayRight eye.
    Digital Scoring System Module

    It includes a total score and 12 parameters. You can directly assess the level of each dimension based on these parameters.

    +score_infoobjectScore. Degree & Score
    ++dark_circle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Dark Circles Total Score
    ++skin_type_scoreinteger[0, 100]Skin Quality Score
    ++wrinkle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Wrinkle Score
    ++oily_intensity_scoreinteger[0, 100]Oily Score
    ++pores_scoreinteger[0, 100]Total Pore Score
    ++blackhead_scoreinteger[0, 100]Blackheads Score
    ++acne_scoreinteger[0, 100]Acne Score
    ++sensitivity_scoreinteger[0, 100]Sensitivity Score
    ++melanin_scoreinteger[0, 100]Melanin Score
    ++water_scoreinteger[0, 100]Skin Moisture Score
    ++rough_scoreinteger[0, 100]Skin Roughness Score
    ++total_scoreinteger[0, 100]Total Score
    ++pores_type_scoreobjectPore Score
    +++pores_forehead_scoreinteger[0, 100]Forehead Pore Score
    +++pores_leftcheek_scoreinteger[0, 100]Left Cheek Pore Score
    +++pores_rightcheek_scoreinteger[0, 100]Right Cheek Pore Score
    +++pores_jaw_scoreinteger[0, 100]Jaw Pore Score
    ++dark_circle_type_scoreobjectDark Circles Score
    +++left_dark_circle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Left Eye Dark Circle Score
    +++right_dark_circle_scoreinteger[0, 100]Right Eye Dark Circle Score
    Custom Module
    +enhanced_bw_infoobjectThe black-and-white enhanced image coordinates and cropping ratio are used to obtain the facial keypoint positions corresponding to the original image. Conversion formula
    ++enhanced_bw_rectobjectBlack and white enhanced graph coordinate frame.
    +++leftfloatThe distance from the leftmost part of the picture.
    +++topfloatThe distance from the topmost edge of the image.
    ++ratiofloatCrop ratio.
    +face_mapsobjectSkin problem detection mapping picture.
  • Returns information based on the return_maps field input.
  • ++red_areabase64More Details
    ++brown_areabase64More Details
    ++texture_enhanced_poresbase64More Details
    ++texture_enhanced_blackheadsbase64More Details
    ++texture_enhanced_oily_areabase64More Details
    ++texture_enhanced_linesbase64More Details
    ++water_areabase64More Details
    ++rough_areabase64More Details
    ++roi_outline_mapbase64More Details
    ++texture_enhanced_bwbase64More Details
    Coordinate conversion formula between original image and black and white enhanced image

    x_enhance = (x_img - left) * ratio

    y_enhance = (y_img - top) * ratio

    Coordinates of original image: x_img, y_img, coordinates of black and white enhanced image: x_enhance, y_enhance.

    Skin Analysis Cases



    draft: true

    "request_id": "",
    "log_id": "",
    "error_code": 0,
    "error_code_str": "",
    "error_msg": "",
    "error_detail": {
    "status_code": 200,
    "code": "",
    "code_message": "",
    "message": ""
    "face_rectangle": {
    "top": 0,
    "left": 0,
    "width": 0,
    "height": 0
    "left_side_result": {
    "left_jawline_quality": 1,
    "left_jawline_angle": 122.73,
    "left_jawline_mark": [
    "x": 518,
    "y": 1256
    "x": 531,
    "y": 1260
    "right_jawline_info": {
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    "x": 518,
    "y": 1256
    "x": 531,
    "y": 1260
    "result": {
    "image_quality": {
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    "pitch": 21.2,
    "roll": 89
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    "top": 808,
    "left": 677,
    "width": 800,
    "height": 800
    "hair_occlusion": 0.05,
    "glasses": 0
    "skin_type": {
    "skin_type": 0,
    "details": {
    "0": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0.89
    "1": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0.89
    "2": {
    "value": 1,
    "confidence": 0.89
    "3": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0.89
    "oily_intensity": {
    "t_zone": {
    "area": 0,
    "intensity": 0
    "left_cheek": {
    "area": 0,
    "intensity": 0
    "right_cheek": {
    "area": 0,
    "intensity": 0
    "chin_area": {
    "area": 0,
    "intensity": 0
    "water": {
    "water_severity": 0,
    "water_area": 0,
    "water_forehead": {
    "area": 0
    "water_leftcheek": {
    "area": 0
    "water_rightcheek": {
    "area": 0
    "skin_tone": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "skintone_ita": {
    "ITA": 0,
    "skintone": 0
    "skin_hue_ha": {
    "HA": 0,
    "skin_hue": 0
    "blackhead": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "blackhead_count": 0,
    "enlarged_pore_count": {
    "forehead": {
    "count": 0,
    "area": 0
    "left_cheek_count": {
    "count": 0,
    "area": 0
    "right_cheek_count": {
    "count": 0,
    "area": 0
    "chin_count": {
    "count": 0,
    "area": 0
    "pores_forehead": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "pores_rightcheek": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "pores_leftcheek": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "pores_jaw": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "rough": {
    "rough_severity": 0,
    "rough_area": 0,
    "rough_forehead": {
    "area": 0
    "rough_leftcheek": {
    "area": 0
    "rough_rightcheek": {
    "area": 0
    "rough_jaw": {
    "area": 0
    "melanin": {
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    "melanin_concentration": 0,
    "brown_forehead": 0,
    "brown_leftcheek": 0,
    "brown_rightcheek": 0
    "melanin_mark": {
    "polygon": [
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0
    "mole": {
    "rectangle": [
    "width": 0,
    "top": 0,
    "height": 0,
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    "confidence": [
    "polygon": [
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0
    "brown_spot": {
    "rectangle": [
    "width": 0,
    "top": 0,
    "height": 0,
    "left": 0
    "confidence": [
    "polygon": [
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0
    "melasma": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "freckle": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "acne": {
    "rectangle": [
    "width": 0,
    "top": 0,
    "height": 0,
    "left": 0
    "confidence": [
    "polygon": [
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0
    "acne_pustule": {
    "rectangle": [
    "width": 0,
    "top": 0,
    "height": 0,
    "left": 0
    "confidence": [
    "polygon": [
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0
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    "rectangle": [
    "width": 0,
    "top": 0,
    "height": 0,
    "left": 0
    "confidence": [
    "polygon": [
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0
    "acne_mark": {
    "rectangle": [
    "width": 0,
    "top": 0,
    "height": 0,
    "left": 0
    "confidence": [
    "polygon": [
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0
    "closed_comedones": {
    "rectangle": [
    "width": 0,
    "top": 0,
    "height": 0,
    "left": 0
    "confidence": [
    "polygon": [
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0
    "sensitivity": {
    "sensitivity_area": 0,
    "sensitivity_intensity": 0
    "sensitivity_mark": {
    "polygon": [
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0
    "skin_age": {
    "value": 0
    "forehead_wrinkle": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "crows_feet": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "eye_finelines": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "glabella_wrinkle": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "nasolabial_fold": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "nasolabial_fold_severity": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "left_mouth_wrinkle_severity": {
    "value": 0
    "right_mouth_wrinkle_severity": {
    "value": 0
    "forehead_wrinkle_severity": {
    "value": 0
    "left_crows_feet_severity": {
    "value": 0
    "right_crows_feet_severity": {
    "value": 0
    "left_eye_finelines_severity": {
    "value": 0
    "right_eye_finelines_severity": {
    "value": 0
    "glabella_wrinkle_severity": {
    "value": 0
    "left_nasolabial_fold_severity": {
    "value": 0
    "right_nasolabial_fold_severity": {
    "value": 0
    "left_cheek_wrinkle_severity": {
    "value": 0
    "right_cheek_wrinkle_severity": {
    "value": 0
    "fine_line": {
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    "right_undereye_count": 0,
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    "right_crowsfeet_count": 0,
    "glabella_count": 0
    "wrinkle_count": {
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    "left_undereye_count": 0,
    "right_undereye_count": 0,
    "left_mouth_count": 0,
    "right_mouth_count": 0,
    "left_nasolabial_count": 0,
    "right_nasolabial_count": 0,
    "glabella_count": 0,
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    "right_cheek_count": 0,
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    "wrinkle_deep_num": 0,
    "wrinkle_shallow_num": 0,
    "forehead_wrinkle_list": []
    "left_eye_wrinkle_info": {
    "wrinkle_score": 0,
    "wrinkle_severity_level": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_length": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_depth": 0,
    "wrinkle_pixel_density": 0,
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    "right_eye_wrinkle_info": {
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    "wrinkle_norm_depth": 0,
    "wrinkle_pixel_density": 0,
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    "wrinkle_shallow_num": 0,
    "right_eye_wrinkle_list": []
    "left_crowsfeet_wrinkle_info": {
    "wrinkle_score": 0,
    "wrinkle_severity_level": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_length": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_depth": 0,
    "wrinkle_pixel_density": 0,
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    "wrinkle_deep_ratio": 0,
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    "right_crowsfeet_wrinkle_info": {
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    "wrinkle_severity_level": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_length": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_depth": 0,
    "wrinkle_pixel_density": 0,
    "wrinkle_area_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_num": 0,
    "wrinkle_shallow_num": 0,
    "right_crowsfeet_wrinkle_list": []
    "glabella_wrinkle_info": {
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    "wrinkle_severity_level": 0,
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    "wrinkle_norm_depth": 0,
    "wrinkle_pixel_density": 0,
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    "wrinkle_deep_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_num": 0,
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    "left_mouth_wrinkle_info": {
    "wrinkle_score": 0,
    "wrinkle_severity_level": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_length": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_depth": 0,
    "wrinkle_pixel_density": 0,
    "wrinkle_area_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_num": 0,
    "wrinkle_shallow_num": 0,
    "left_mouth_wrinkle_list": []
    "right_mouth_wrinkle_info": {
    "wrinkle_score": 0,
    "wrinkle_severity_level": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_length": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_depth": 0,
    "wrinkle_pixel_density": 0,
    "wrinkle_area_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_num": 0,
    "wrinkle_shallow_num": 0,
    "right_mouth_wrinkle_list": []
    "left_nasolabial_wrinkle_info": {
    "wrinkle_score": 0,
    "wrinkle_severity_level": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_length": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_depth": 0,
    "wrinkle_pixel_density": 0,
    "wrinkle_area_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_num": 0,
    "wrinkle_shallow_num": 0,
    "left_nasolabial_wrinkle_list": []
    "right_nasolabial_wrinkle_info": {
    "wrinkle_score": 0,
    "wrinkle_severity_level": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_length": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_depth": 0,
    "wrinkle_pixel_density": 0,
    "wrinkle_area_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_num": 0,
    "wrinkle_shallow_num": 0,
    "right_nasolabial_wrinkle_list": []
    "left_cheek_wrinkle_info": {
    "wrinkle_score": 0,
    "wrinkle_severity_level": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_length": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_depth": 0,
    "wrinkle_pixel_density": 0,
    "wrinkle_area_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_num": 0,
    "wrinkle_shallow_num": 0,
    "left_cheek_wrinkle_list": []
    "right_cheek_wrinkle_info": {
    "wrinkle_score": 0,
    "wrinkle_severity_level": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_length": 0,
    "wrinkle_norm_depth": 0,
    "wrinkle_pixel_density": 0,
    "wrinkle_area_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_ratio": 0,
    "wrinkle_deep_num": 0,
    "wrinkle_shallow_num": 0,
    "right_cheek_wrinkle_list": []
    "cheekbone_mark": {
    "left_cheekbone_mark": [],
    "right_cheekbone_mark": []
    "eye_pouch": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "eye_pouch_severity": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "left_eye_pouch_rectangle": [],
    "right_eye_pouch_rectangle": [],
    "dark_circle": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "dark_circle_severity": {
    "value": 0,
    "confidence": 0
    "left_dark_circle_rete": {
    "value": 0
    "right_dark_circle_rete": {
    "value": 0
    "left_dark_circle_pigment": {
    "value": 0
    "right_dark_circle_pigment": {
    "value": 0
    "left_dark_circle_structural": {
    "value": 0
    "right_dark_circle_structural": {
    "value": 0
    "dark_circle_mark": {
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    "left": 0,
    "top": 0,
    "width": 0,
    "height": 0
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    "left": 0,
    "top": 0,
    "width": 0,
    "height": 0
    "left_eye_pouch_rect": {
    "left": 0,
    "top": 0,
    "width": 0,
    "height": 0
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    "left": 0,
    "top": 0,
    "width": 0,
    "height": 0
    "wrinkle_mark": {
    "left_cheek_wrinkle_outline": [],
    "right_cheek_wrinkle_outline": [],
    "head_wrinkle_outline": [],
    "left_nasolabial_wrinkle_outline": [],
    "right_nasolabial_wrinkle_outline": [],
    "glabella_wrinkle_outline": [],
    "left_crowsfeet_wrinkle_outline": [],
    "right_crowsfeet_wrinkle_outline": [],
    "left_mouth_wrinkle_outline": [],
    "right_mouth_wrinkle_outline": [],
    "left_eye_wrinkle_outline": [],
    "right_eye_wrinkle_outline": []
    "dark_circle_outline": {
    "left_dark_circle_outline": [],
    "right_dark_circle_outline": []
    "score_info": {
    "dark_circle_score": 0,
    "skin_type_score": 0,
    "wrinkle_score": 0,
    "oily_intensity_score": 0,
    "pores_score": 0,
    "blackhead_score": 0,
    "acne_score": 0,
    "sensitivity_score": 0,
    "melanin_score": 0,
    "water_score": 0,
    "rough_score": 0,
    "total_score": 0,
    "pores_type_score": {
    "pores_forehead_score": 0,
    "pores_leftcheek_score": 0,
    "pores_rightcheek_score": 0,
    "pores_jaw_score": 0
    "dark_circle_type_score": {
    "left_dark_circle_score": 0,
    "right_dark_circle_score": 0
    "enhanced_bw_info": {
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    "left": 0,
    "top": 0,
    "width": 0,
    "height": 0
    "ratio": 0
    "face_maps": {
    "red_area": "",
    "brown_area": "",
    "texture_enhanced_pores": "",
    "texture_enhanced_blackheads": "",
    "texture_enhanced_oily_area": "",
    "texture_enhanced_lines": "",
    "water_area": "",
    "rough_area": "",
    "roi_outline_map": "",
    "texture_enhanced_bw": ""

    Code example

    If you'd like to see the actual effects, please visit the experience page for a trial.