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AILabTools - Response Description

Public response parameters

request_idYESstringRequest ID.
  • If there is a problem that cannot be located, this field can be sent to technology for problem location.
  • log_idYESstringLog ID.
  • If there is a problem that cannot be located, this field can be sent to technology for problem location.
  • error_codeYESintegerStatus code.
  • When HTTP Status is 200: error_code=0; otherwise exactly the same as HTTP Status.
  • error_detailYESobjectError Details.
    +status_codeYESintegerStatus Code.
    +codeYESstringViewError Code.
  • Compared to the error_code_str field: The code field is more precise.
  • +code_messageYESstringThe information represented by the Error Code(code).
    +messageYESstringSupplementary information for the code_message field.
    error_code_strNOstringViewError Code. Gradually deprecated.
    error_msgNOstringError message.

    How to determine success?

    • By using the HTTP Status Code:
      • 200: Success.
      • Other: Failure.
    • By using the error_code field:
      • 0: Success.
      • Other: Failure.
    • By using the error_code_str field:
      • If the error_code_str field does not exist or is empty: Success.
      • Other: Failure.

    Example of successful return

    "request_id": "request_id",
    "log_id": "log_id",
    "error_code": 0,
    "error_detail": {
    "status_code": 200,
    "code": "",
    "code_message": "",
    "message": ""

    Example of error return

    "request_id": "request_id",
    "log_id": "log_id",
    "error_code": 422,
    "error_detail": {
    "status_code": 422,
    "code": "ERROR_NO_FACE_IN_FILE",
    "code_message": "No face detected in the file.",
    "message": "pic not has face"
    "error_code_str": "FILE_CONTENT_NON_COMPLIANCE",
    "error_msg": "File content does not meet requirements. - 222202 - pic not has face"

    Parsing of error_detail.code

    HTTP StatusValueDescription
    400PROCESSING_FAILUREProcessing failed.
    400ERROR_PARAMETERSInvalid parameters.
    400MISSING_PARAMETERSMissing parameters.
    400ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERInvalid parameter.
    400PARAMETERS_CANNOT_EMPTYParameters cannot be empty.
    400ERROR_MISSING_LIMIT_PARAMETERMissing Limit parameter.
    400ERROR_MISSING_TASKS_PARAMETERMissing Tasks parameter.
    400ERROR_MISSING_ASSURE_DIRECTION_PARAMETERMissing AssureDirection parameter.
    400ERROR_MISSING_MIN_HEIGHT_PARAMETERMissing MinHeight parameter.
    400ERROR_INVALID_SIDE_PARAMETERInvalid value for Side parameter.
    400ERROR_TOO_MANY_FILESNumber of files exceeds the limit.
    400ERROR_FACE_TRACE_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDFace or Trace limit exceeded.
    400ERROR_DATABASE_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDDatabase limit exceeded.
    400ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE_FORMATIncorrect response format (Accept not supported).
    400ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_RESPONSE_FORMATIncorrect response format (Format not supported).
    400ERROR_TOO_MANY_GROUPS_IN_GROUP_LISTToo many groups in group_list.
    400ERROR_TOO_MANY_UIDS_IN_UID_LISTToo many UIDs in uid_list.
    400ERROR_TOO_MANY_APPS_IN_APP_LISTToo many apps in app_list.
    400ERROR_BATCH_TASK_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDBatch task processing limit exceeded.
    400ERROR_CLEANING_USER_GROUP_DATACleaning user group data.
    400ERROR_IMAGE_STORAGE_NOT_SUPPORTEDImage storage not supported.
    400ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCESInsufficient resources.
    400ERROR_RESOURCE_IN_TRANSITResource in transit.
    400ERROR_FILE_DOWNLOAD_FAILEDFile download failed.
    400ERROR_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILEDFile upload failed.
    400FILE_DECODING_FAILUREFile decoding failed.
    400ERROR_FACE_BLENDING_FAILEDFace blending failed.
    400ERROR_FACE_IMAGE_ADDITION_FAILEDFailed to add face image.
    400ERROR_GET_FACE_IMAGE_FAILEDFailed to get face image.
    400ERROR_DATA_TRANSFER_FAILEDData transfer (download or upload) failed.
    400ERROR_TASK_REVOCATION_FAILEDTask revocation failed.
    400ERROR_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLEResource temporarily unavailable.
    400ERROR_FILE_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUTFile download timeout.
    401ERROR_USER_NOT_EXISTSThe user does not exist.
    401ERROR_APPLICATIONS_NOT_EXISTSThe application does not exist.
    403ERROR_USER_LOCKEDThe user is locked.
    403AI_SERVICE_UNAUTHORIZEDAI service unauthorized. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform.
    403ERROR_ILLEGAL_FILEIllegal file.
    404ERROR_AI_NOT_EXISTSAI does not exist or has been deactivated, please contact the platform.
    404AI_SERVICE_NOT_FOUNDAI service not found. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform.
    404ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUNDFile not found.
    404ERROR_FACE_NOT_FOUNDFace not found.
    404ERROR_USER_GROUP_NOT_FOUNDUser group not found.
    404ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUNDUser not found.
    404ERROR_FACE_TOKEN_NOT_FOUNDFace token not found.
    404ERROR_CONTENT_NOT_FOUNDContent not found.
    404ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUNDResource not found.
    405ERROR_ILLEGAL_OPERATIONIllegal operation.
    409ERROR_FACE_ALREADY_EXISTSFace already exists.
    409ERROR_DATA_ALREADY_EXISTSData already exists.
    409ERROR_USER_GROUP_ALREADY_EXISTSUser group already exists.
    409ERROR_USER_ALREADY_EXISTSUser already exists.
    409ERROR_DUPLICATE_GROUP_NAMEDuplicate group name.
    409ERROR_RESOURCE_IN_USEResource is in use.
    409ERROR_TASK_CONFLICTTask conflict.
    409ERROR_TASK_REVOKEDTask has already been revoked.
    410ERROR_RESOURCE_RECLAIMEDResource has been reclaimed.
    413FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS_LIMITFile size exceeds limit.
    413ERROR_CONTENT_TOO_LONGContent length exceeds limit.
    413ERROR_VIDEO_DURATION_EXCEEDEDVideo duration exceeds limit.
    413ERROR_REQUEST_BODY_TOO_LARGERequest body size exceeds limit.
    413ERROR_RESPONSE_BODY_TOO_LARGEResponse body size exceeds limit.
    415UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPESUnsupported file types.
    415ERROR_INVALID_OUTPUT_FORMATInvalid output format.
    415ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGEGrayscale image not supported.
    422UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUESInvalid parameter values.
    422ERROR_INVALID_FACE_BOX_PARAMETERFace box parameter does not meet requirements.
    422ERROR_INVALID_BIG_EYES_PARAMETERBig eyes parameter does not meet requirements.
    422ERROR_INVALID_FACE_SLIMMING_PARAMETERFace slimming parameter does not meet requirements.
    422ERROR_INVALID_SMOOTHING_PARAMETERSmoothing parameter does not meet requirements.
    422ERROR_INVALID_SKIN_WHITENING_PARAMETERSkin whitening parameter does not meet requirements.
    422ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_FORMATInvalid parameter format.
    422ERROR_PARAMETER_CONVERSION_FAILEDParameter conversion failed.
    422FILE_RESOLUTION_EXCEEDS_LIMITSFile resolution exceeds limits.
    422ERROR_LOW_RESOLUTIONFile resolution too low.
    422ERROR_HIGH_RESOLUTIONFile resolution too high.
    422ERROR_INVALID_FILEInvalid file.
    422FILE_CONTENT_NON_COMPLIANCEFile content does not meet requirements.
    422ERROR_INCORRECT_FILE_COUNTIncorrect number of files.
    422ERROR_NO_FACE_IN_FILENo face detected in the file.
    422ERROR_FACE_SIZE_NOT_MEET_REQUIREMENTSFace size does not meet requirements.
    422ERROR_FACE_SIZE_RATIO_NOT_METFace size ratio does not meet requirements.
    422ERROR_SMALL_FACE_SIZEFace size too small.
    422ERROR_FACE_COPY_SCENE_MISMATCHFace copy scene type mismatch.
    422ERROR_FACE_UNRECOGNIZABLEUnable to recognize face.
    422ERROR_POOR_FACE_QUALITYPoor face quality.
    422ERROR_BLURRY_FACEBlurry face.
    422ERROR_OBSTRUCTED_FACEObstructed face.
    422ERROR_POOR_FACE_LIGHTINGPoor face lighting.
    422ERROR_INCOMPLETE_FACEIncomplete face.
    422ERROR_FACE_NOT_FACING_FORWARDFace not facing forward.
    422ERROR_MISSING_OUTPUT_FORMATMissing output format.
    422ERROR_QUALITY_SCORE_NOT_MEET_REQUIREMENTSQuality score does not meet requirements.
    422ERROR_QUALITY_CONTROL_ERRORQuality control error.
    422ERROR_LIVENESS_CONTROL_ERRORLiveness control error.
    422ERROR_SCENE_TYPE_MISMATCHScene type mismatch.
    422ERROR_CARTOON_FACE_NOT_SUPPORTEDCartoon face not supported.
    422ERROR_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_QUALITY_TOO_LOWTemplate image quality too low.
    422ERROR_ACTION_VERIFICATION_FAILEDAction verification failed.
    422ERROR_LEFT_EYE_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGHLeft eye occlusion too high.
    422ERROR_RIGHT_EYE_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGHRight eye occlusion too high.
    422ERROR_LEFT_FACE_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGHLeft face occlusion too high.
    422ERROR_RIGHT_FACE_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGHRight face occlusion too high.
    422ERROR_CHIN_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGHChin occlusion too high.
    422ERROR_NOSE_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGHNose occlusion too high.
    422ERROR_MOUTH_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGHMouth occlusion too high.
    422ERROR_SYNTHESIS_DETECTION_FAILEDSynthesis detection failed.
    422ERROR_LIVENESS_DETECTION_FAILEDLiveness detection failed.
    422ERROR_NO_RECOGNITION_TARGET_DETECTEDNo recognition target detected in the image.
    422ERROR_IMAGE_RECOGNITION_FAILEDImage recognition error.
    422ERROR_MASK_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_MISMATCHResolution of mask and image must be the same.
    422ERROR_TASK_STOPPED_PROCESSINGTask has been stopped processing.
    422EXCEEDING_LIMITSExceeds limit.
    422ERROR_CONTENT_NON_COMPLIANCEContent does not meet requirements.
    429ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_CREDITSInsufficient credits.
    500UNKNOWN_ERRORUnknown error. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform.
    500SERVICE_INTERNAL_ERRORService internal error. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform.
    500FILE_SERVICE_ERRORFile service error. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform.
    500AI_SERVICE_ERRORAI service error. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform.
    500AI_SERVICE_INTERNAL_ERRORAI service internal error. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform.
    502ERROR_GATEWAYGateway error, please try again later. If it is not resolved in time, please contact the platform.
    503AI_SERVICE_FLOW_RESTRICTIONAI service is rate-limited. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform.
    504AI_SERVICE_TIMEOUTAI service timeout. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform.

    Parsing of error_code_str

    HTTP StatusValueDescriptionSolutions
    401ERROR_USER_NOT_EXISTSThe user does not exist.
  • Check if the account is normal. Sign In
  • 403ERROR_USER_LOCKEDThe user is locked.
  • Check if the account is normal. Sign In
  • 401ERROR_APPLICATIONS_NOT_EXISTSThe application does not exist.
  • Check if the API KEY is correct. Developer Platform
  • 404ERROR_AI_NOT_EXISTSAI does not exist or has been deactivated.
  • Check if the request information is correct according to the API documentation.
  • 429ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_CREDITSInsufficient credits.
  • Log in to the developer platform to check if the credits are sufficient. Developer Platform
  • 400ERROR_PARAMETERSParameter error.
  • Check the request message against the error_msg field return information.
  • Check if the request information is correct according to the API documentation.
  • 400MISSING_PARAMETERSParameters are missing.
  • Check the request message against the error_msg field return information.
  • Check if the request information is correct according to the API documentation.
  • 413FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS_LIMITThe file size exceeds the limit.
  • Check the request message against the error_msg field return information.
  • Check if the request information is correct according to the API documentation.
  • 422FILE_RESOLUTION_EXCEEDS_LIMITSThe file resolution exceeds the limit.
  • Check the request message against the error_msg field return information.
  • Check if the request information is correct according to the API documentation.
  • 415UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPESUnsupported file types.
  • Check the request message against the error_msg field return information.
  • Check if the request information is correct according to the API documentation.
  • 400PARAMETERS_CANNOT_EMPTYThe parameter cannot be empty.
  • Check the request message against the error_msg field return information.
  • Check if the request information is correct according to the API documentation.
  • 422UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUESThe value of the unsupported parameter.
  • Check the request message against the error_msg field return information.
  • Check if the request information is correct according to the API documentation.
  • 400FILE_DECODING_FAILUREFile decoding failed.
  • Check the request message against the error_msg field return information.
  • Check if the request information is correct according to the API documentation.
  • 422FILE_CONTENT_NON_COMPLIANCEThe content of the document does not meet the requirements.
  • Check the request message against the error_msg field return information.
  • Check if the request information is correct according to the API documentation.
  • 422EXCEEDING_LIMITSExceeding the limits.
  • Check the request message against the error_msg field return information.
  • Check if the request information is correct according to the API documentation.
  • 400PROCESSING_FAILUREProcessing failure.Please try again later. If the problem is not resolved in time, please contact the platform for processing.
    502ERROR_GATEWAYGateway error.Please try again later. If the problem is not resolved in time, please contact the platform for processing.
    500UNKNOWN_ERRORUnknown error.Please try again later. If the problem is not resolved in time, please contact the platform for processing.
    500SERVICE_INTERNAL_ERRORService internal error.Please try again later. If the problem is not resolved in time, please contact the platform for processing.
    500FILE_SERVICE_ERRORFile service error.Please try again later. If the problem is not resolved in time, please contact the platform for processing.
    500AI_SERVICE_ERRORAI service error.Please try again later. If the problem is not resolved in time, please contact the platform for processing.
    503AI_SERVICE_FLOW_RESTRICTIONAI service is limited.Please try again later. If the problem is not resolved in time, please contact the platform for processing.
    504AI_SERVICE_TIMEOUTAI service timeout.Please try again later. If the problem is not resolved in time, please contact the platform for processing.