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Hitchcock special effects API


Image requirements

  • Image format: JPEG JPG PNG BMP
  • Image size: No more than 5 MB.
  • Image resolution: Larger than 64x64px, smaller than 2048x2048px.


  • v2
  • Version.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 0Camera movement mode.
  • 0: Push forward shot, default with flowing effect.
  • 1: Wide-angle camera movement.
  • 2: Hitchcock camera movement.
  • 3: Swing camera movement.
  • 4: Bounce camera movement.
  • long_sideNOinteger[0, 1920]960The length of the video's longer side for rendering. The larger the value, the longer it takes, growing exponentially in powers of two.
    frame_numNOinteger90Video frame rate (without speed change). The larger the value, the longer it takes, increasing linearly.
    fpsNOinteger30Video frame rate. frame_num/fps determines the video duration.
  • -1
  • 0
  • 1
  • -1Whether to apply the flow effect. Enabling the flow effect typically increases processing time by approximately 20% to 30%.
  • -1: The algorithm determines whether to enable the flow effect based on the mode value.
  • 0: Forcefully disable the flow effect.
  • 1: Forcefully enable the flow effect.
  • speed_shiftNOstringConstant SpeedVideo Curve Speed Variation. More Details
  • Each pair of adjacent values represents the x and y values of a control point.
  • x range [0, 1]: Progress from the beginning to the end of the original video.
  • y range [0.1, 10]: Speed rate.
  • Each pair of adjacent control points represents a speed change curve, with the curve function being a trigonometric function.
  • speed_shift

    For example, 0,1,0.5,4,0.5,4,1,1 represents the curve in the following diagram. Video Curve Speed Variation


    Response Field Handling Flow
    1. Handle Public Response Fields

      Parse and validate the Public Response Fields, checking the status code or response message to ensure the request is successful and error-free.

    2. Handle Business Response Fields

      If the Public Response Fields are valid and error-free, proceed with processing the business logic in the Business Response Fields.

    Public Response Fields

    Viewing Public Response Fields and Error Codes

    Business Response Fields

    dataobjectThe content of the result data returned.
    +videostringReturns the base64 encoded string of the generated video.

    Response Example

    "request_id": "",
    "log_id": "",
    "error_code": 0,
    "error_msg": "",
    "error_detail": {
    "status_code": 200,
    "code": "",
    "code_message": "",
    "message": ""
    "data": {
    "video": ""