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AILabTools API - Face Beauty Advanced - API


  • URL:
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Image requirements

  • Image format: JPEG JPG PNG BMP
  • Image size: No more than 5 MB.
  • Image resolution: Less than 4096x4096px.
ailabapi-api-keyYESstringApplication API KEY. Get API KEY


whiteningNOinteger[0, 100]30Whitening level: 0 means no whitening, 100 represents the highest level.
smoothingNOinteger[0, 100]10Skin smoothing level: 0 means no skin smoothing, 100 represents the highest level.
face_liftingNOinteger[0, 100]70Face slimming level: 0 means no face slimming, 100 represents the highest level.
eye_enlargingNOinteger[0, 100]70Eye enlargement level: 0 means no eye enlargement, 100 represents the highest level.


Processing Flow
  1. Handle Public Parameters:

    First, parse and validate the Public Parameters, checking the status code or response message to ensure the request is successful and no errors are present.

  2. Handle Business Parameters:

    If the public parameters are valid and no exceptions are found, proceed to process the business logic in the Business Parameters.

Public Parameters

Viewing Public Parameters and Error Codes

Business Parameters

result_imagestringReturns the base64 data of the processed image.


"request_id": "",
"log_id": "",
"error_code": 0,
"error_code_str": "",
"error_msg": "",
"error_detail": {
"status_code": 200,
"code": "",
"code_message": "",
"message": ""
"result_image": ""

Code example