AILabTools API - Facial Landmarks - Face Spatial Pose Angle Reference
The pose angle is divided into Pitch, Roll and Yaw, which are used to indicate the angle of the face in the spatial three-dimensional coordinate system and are often used to determine the threshold value of the recognition angle. The angle thresholds are as follows.
Pitch: the pitch angle of three-dimensional rotation, range: [-90 (up), 90 (down)], the recommended absolute value of the pitch angle is not more than 20 degrees.
Roll: In-plane rotation angle, range: [-180 (counterclockwise), 180 (clockwise)], the recommended absolute value of rotation angle is not more than 20 degrees.
Yaw: three-dimensional rotation of the left and right rotation angle, range: [-90 (left), 90 (right)], the recommended absolute value of the rotation angle is not more than 20 degrees.